December brings: a short piano recording for #Druckfrisch tv @Bechstein and will be released publically in January 2023. • Due to the „Radio Play of the Month“ award for „All the Light We Cannot See“, I am asked for an interview with #HannaSteger & #MaxvonMalotki. It’s about the „making of“ the music and how I approach compositions for literary material. Listen in. Exciting: Hauptsache Hörspiel Interview. • On 18 December you may listen to our radio play Überweben based on the book #LifeisaWeaving by #EtelAdnan. A poetic journey through an exchange of letters on the art of weaving and dyeing, politics and a reflection on the woven rugs „The Lady and the Unicorn“. I produced the music with materials that correspond to the sounds of the self-made weaving frames in the seminar with weaving expert #IdaGrey and #EtelAdnan. Our radio play is a very meditative production featuring #IlseRitter, #AugustDiehl & #ValeryTscheplanowa. A good tonal transition into the Christmas season.