Ulrike Haage is a musician who creates maximum mood with the minimum of notes.
”We are told a thousand stories that have nothing to do with us. But everyone of us has an own story, a story that needs to be recalled and asserted. I want my music to open up spaces for this. To make room. To open horizons.“ In:finitum offers a place we can retreat to: the conscious antithesis of the deluge of information and signals that ceaselessly rolls over us, a sheltered place. Ulrike Haage has found a musical form that makes this possible: clear and sober, yet full of emotional power. Her compositions are played with real devotion. And all guest musicians on this album perform in the service of this form, accompanying the sounds of the piano and yet occuppying a very special place within the compositions.

Die Lesbarkeit der Welt

Compositions, grand piano, toy piano and organ: Ulrike Haage
Percussion and Melodika: Eric Schaefer
Saxophon: Uwe Steinmetz
Mezzo-Soprano: Franziska Markowitsch
Ensemble Laurier (string quartet)
Published 2011 by BPM

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