The composer, pianist, sound artist and radio drama author Ulrike Haage is one of the most multifaceted artists in Germany today. She once starred on the piano with all-women big-band Reichlich Weiblich, and went on to join up with Katharina Franck as the core of the highly acclaimed Rainbirds.
She collaborated on genre-crossing, experimental projects like Vladimir Estragon with the musicians Alfred Harth, FM Einheit, Phil Minton and contributed to theatre productions in Zürich, Düsseldorf, Hamburg and Berlin. Since 2006 she worked regularly with the drummer Eric Schaefer. Ulrike Haage composes and directs contemporary works for films and radio, mostly published with the audiobook label Sans Soleil and the record label Blue Pearls Music. Her numerous works for film, radio and stage impressively show how inspiring it is to work with artists from other disciplines.
Since 2004 she releases highly respected Solo Albums with wonderful guest musicians: Sélavy (2004), Weisses Land (2006), In:finitum (2011), Maelstrom (2015), Stills (2018) together with the electronic musician Christian Meyer, and the pure Piano Album Himmelsbaum (2020). Since her well received piano album Le Pianoscope (2009), Ulrike Haage works with Universal Production Music and published Piano & Strings (2015) and Dawn (Haage | Meyer, 2020). Her 6th album Alles Licht (2024) is composed for organ and grand piano, featuring the musician Daniel Stickan on the organ.
Awards + Prizes: Ulrike Haage received the German Jazz Award (Albert-Mangelsdorff-Preis) for her outstanding and versatile life work to date – especially for her musical projects at the interface of pop, art and avant-garde. The documentary film Zwiebelfische won the North German Film Award and the special prize for Haage’s soundtrack. Her music for the film Meret Oppenheim – eine Surrealistin auf eigenen Wegen received the Documentary Filmscore Prize. In 2021 Ulrike Haage is awarded with the Music Authors Prize of the GEMA for her audio visual works. In 2022 she receives the Günter-Eich-Award for her lifetime achievement as a radio play author.