February brings the first concert of the Duo Haage/Meyer in Roter Salon, Berlin Volksbühne. Since many years Ulrike Haage has been working with Christian Meyer in the field of film and dance theatre. Christian has contributed delicate electronics to Ulrike Haage’s latest album “Maelstrom”. Together they now start playing live under the name of CILS (french for eyelashes). The concert date is February 25, 2017 at 9 pm.
And to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the writer Jane Bowles, radio station Deutschlandfunk repeats our cult radio drama “Bei unserer Lebensweise ist es angenehm, lange im voraus zu einer Party eingeladen zu werden” based on the letters of Jane and additional texts by Katarina Franck. On 21 february you can listen to it here. Eine “leidenschaftliche und zugleich erhellende Hommage” an Jane Bowles, “eine Sehnsuchtsvertiefung, ein Lebendigwerden und Weiterführen ihrer Stimme”, writes Florian Vetsch; Die Tageszeitung.