November news


Hyperbolische Körper on air again (audience award 2020, ARD Hörspieltage). Radioplay Days in Krems. The month of November is a month of radio. The wonderful radio play days in Austria are organized by the ORF. They are very personal, you immerse yourself in a wide variety of acoustic productions. And after the long period of the pandemic, it is so refreshing to see each other again for real and to exchange facial expressions. The radio play Sprache, mein Stern. Hölderlin hören did win the famous „Slabbesz“ & obviously touched the group deeply. – Radio news go on: I am very happy that my radio play Hyperbolische Körper will be on air again on November 14 (Bavarian Broadcast, BR2). It was produced in my studio under very safe conditions and with a lot of productive intensity: at the beginning of a new era. the era of the pandemic and social changes. Featuring the great actresses Jasmin Tabatabai and Valéry Tscheplanowa.