New album: CD / digital
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Ulrike Haage

January news

January news

Dear friends, I wish you peaceful days between the years. May 2020 be a good year of the rat, a #yearinhope, a strong year for changes.

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December news

December news

Some voyages stay on one’s mind…wonderful concert at #Jazzoffensive5…

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November news

November news

„true stories“ @ Hörspieltage Karlsruhe. Tour through China with our Duo „stills“ (Haage / Meyer).

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October news

October news

Solo piano concert in the Kulturkirche Hamburg. Composer’s portrait in Munich. Biennale 2020 meeting in Innsbruck.

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September news

September news

The highlight of September is the radio premiere of „A funeral march for the first Cosmonaut“

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August news

August news

Mixing „A Funeral march for the First Cosmonaut“ & starting recordings for a new Piano solo CD.

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July news

July news

Becoming the keeper of a wonderful Jazz record collection. Live @ FilmfestMünchen.

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June news

June news

Premiere of „true stories“ on BR2. Portrait in „Eins zu Eins. Der Talk.“ Diving into my next piano solo album.

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May news

May news

Joining the awarding of the „Kriegsblindenpreis“ 2019. Finishing „true stories“, ready to go on air.

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April news

april news

#Bauhaus100. My feature „Der Kreis ist rot“ about Oscar Schlemmer is online: WDR3. Concerts / awards in april 🙂

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March news

March news

Working on „trues stories“, here with Françoise Cactus…“Die Toten von Feuerland“ got awarded in England.

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February news

February news

Arte TV shows „Grüsse aus Fukushima“…“Lockbuch“ on air and…“Die Toten von Feuerland“ on air again…

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January news

January news

New booking agency on board. Guest at Pop-talk. Fascinating project with Etel Adnan.

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December news

December news

Japan’s calling…seminar @ FUBB…last concert of the year in Berlin.

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November news

November news

15 minutes of fame in Kaliningrad. Radio-talk at Bauhaus University Weimar. Workshop at FU Babelsberg.

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October news

October news

„Die Toten von Feuerland“, a new radio-play by Ulrike Haage & Andreas Ammer!

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September news

September news

Premiere of the film music „Seestück“. „Stills“ concert premiere @ The Elbphilharmony.

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August news

August news

Record release of „Stills“  by Ulrike Haage & Christian Meyer. Concerts @ Erlanger Poetenfest.

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July news

July news

Bringing „Wundernetz“ back to Puglia. Tadaima, Villa Coluccia.

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June news

June news

Recording a whole film music on my Hammond 44. Feels like playing Keys and winds simultaneously.

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