June news
Recording a whole film music on my Hammond 44. Feels like playing Keys and winds simultaneously.

May news
My Composer’s residence ends with a concert in Isarfjördur. Lockbuch wins the „Slabbèsz“ @ „Die Hörspieltage“.
April news
In April I will write new music in Iceland. Wundernetz has its world-radio-premiere & its concert video is online.

March news
Finissage Wundernetz & Invitation to participate @ the Filmfestival femcine, Santiago di Chile.

February news
Opening night of Wundernetz. Solo concert during the Neujahrsempfang of the GEMA @ DPG Berlin.

October news
Landstück (Volker Koepp) on RBB, music: Haage. The Wundernetz Ensemble meets 4 the 1st time.
July news
The film-clip of our concert @ Volksbühne Berlin is online. Recording with Mehmet Polat.
May news
May brings solo piano concerts and exclusive short cuts of the concert premiere of Ulrike Haage & Christian Meyer.

April news
This month I am off to Puglia to work in solitude on the micro-opera „Wundernetz“ [see projects].

March news
Writing the music to the texts of the book Nacht by Etel Adnan. A production of Deutschlandradio, Berlin.
February news II
Dear friends in Iceland and visitors of the Stockfish Filmfestival in Reykjavík, be warmly invited to attend my concert in the Green room on 1 march.
February news
February brings the first concert of the Duo Haage/Meyer in the Roter Salon, Berlin Volksbühne.

January news
I wish you all a healthy, thought- and peaceful year of the red rooster, a noble and colorful sign of the chinese Zodiac!

December news
December brings a new collabroation of two old friends. The piano jazz poet Ulrike Haage and the electronic musician Christian Meyer form the duo CILS (French for eyelashes).